April 13th – May 11th, 2018
DSA Gallery Dunedin, New Zealand

The »Data Loam« project was presented as an exemplary example of artistic research. A video interview with Martin Reinhart and Leonard Coster was shown at the exhibition. A multi-layered open-ended documentation project (publication – film – exhibition) providing insights into current projects of Art & Research at the University of Applied Arts Vienna about transforming understanding, understanding transformation and the development of the relations beyond. Curated by Gerald Bast, Alexander Damianisch, Barbara Putz-Plecko. Based on projects with a focal point on artistic research activities, the Angewandte offers an overview of possible positions and illuminates current research perspectives. Together we understand research without topical limits — focusing on artistic methods — as a font of vivid examples that can give rise to an inviting milieu of challenge and exchange. A working environment that avoids limits and fosters curiosity heightens achievement. This understanding flows into all areas of activity, including science and art, design and architecture. The transformation of society must constantly be considered anew.
The exhibition helped to communicate the project and the concept of artistic research to a wider public. Through examples from research and teaching, science and art the transformation of society can be viewed, examined, sensed, discussed and experienced. We further presented different formats of artistic practice, challenging and reshaping our perspectives of understanding, collective endeavours that explicitly open / direct artistic practice towards the development of new ways of understanding and cognising specific themes and topics. We also took “research-based teaching” (Humboldt) to its core meaning as the notion of research-based teaching should be expanded by and grounded in art, making it art-research-based teaching.
⇌ dieangewandte.at